Sat Mar 12 2022
i 'd-pay
When I was Start age 19 I found Programming began when I first learned to code with an html. As I explored the world of technology, I discovered web development and was captivated by the creativity and innovation involved in building online experiences.
All i learning selfstudy from youtube , Google , Stackoverflow
Fast-forward to today, and I have had the opportunity to work alongside proficient back-end developers and full-stack developers on the construction of real-world applications.
In my free time, I learing Golang , Gin For My Dream Mutiplayer Game Server and Backend Developments
Development Experience ⏳
I'm a skilled web developer with experience in TypeScript and JavaScript, and expertise in frameworks like React, Node.js, and Next js. I'm a quick learner and collaborate closely with clients to create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that solve real-world problems. Let's work together to bring your ideas to life!
Website 🌏
I currently have over 1.4 Years experience With html , css , Tailwind css Javascript , Redux , Redux Tookit , ReactQuery , TypeScript , Next js 13 , Payment Stripe , Pusher
Backend 🐳
Node js , Express js , TypeScript , Mongodb , Postger Sql , FireBase , FireStore , Graphql , Payment Stripe , Basic Skill with Prisma ORM and Web Scoket , Webhook , Jwt authentication , Docker , Nigx
Mobile Application 📱
React Native CLI , React NAtive Expo + Next js , TypeScript , ReduxTookit , Tailwind ,
Desktop Software 🪟🍎
Tauri With Next js 13 , TypeScript , Tailwind css , ReduxTookit
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